What is the Green Team Roadmap? 🌟

This roadmap provides a clear and concise guide for Green Teams in hospitals, academic medical centers, and healthcare institutions. Whether you’re a healthcare provider, staff member, researcher, or student, this roadmap helps you identify the steps to take to achieve your sustainability goals.

Why should you use the Green Team Roadmap?

  • Learn how to set up and motivate a Green Team.
  • Discover practical steps to initiate and execute projects on sustainability.
  • Get tips on how to make your project a success.

Let’s make a difference together – for our planet and the health of us all.

Who created the Green Team Roadmap?

The UMC Utrecht, UMCG, Leiden University Medical Center, Amsterdam UMC, Maastricht UMC+, Erasmus MC, Radboudumc and Groene Zorg Alliantie joined forces and took the initiative to develop a Roadmap for Green Teams in collaboration with Green Team members. Supported by a grant from the Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport. The roadmap design and cartoons were created by ©Maaike Hartjes/Comic House.

Project team

LinkedIn of team members: Cédric Koolschijn, Lonneke Michiels, Harriette Laurijsen, Kim van Nieuwenhuizen, Thijs Elzer, Caroline Poot, Cindy Noben, Krista Moeijes-Bosgra.

Conversation starters

Use the cartoons from the Roadmap as an engaging icebreaker to talk about sustainability topics you may encounter as a green healthcare professional. Created by ©Maaike Hartjes/Comic House

The 6 steps of the Roadmap


Cédric Koolschijn

Project Lead Circular Healthcare | UMCU

Lonneke Michiels

Green Team Manager – AmsterdamUMC

Harriette Laurijsen

Strategic Advisor Sustainability | Radboudumc

Kim van Nieuwenhuizen

MD, PhD Candidate Sustainable Healthcare | LUMC

Caroline Poot

Program Manager Sustainability | Erasmus MC

Thijs Elzer

Sustainability Manager | LUMC

Krista Moeijes-Bosgra

Strategic Advisor Sustainability | UMCG

Cindy Noben

Project Lead Green Deal 3.0 | MUMC+